Reconnecting Mary’s Pizza Shack to cravings everywhere.

Even 63-year-old Bay Area institutions need to refresh every once in a while. From new logo, brand identity and advertising to a totally revamped website, Rule of 3 has rekindled the “spirit of Mary” for Mary’s Pizza Shack—putting a contemporary “retro fresh” attitude on the menu. Get a taste of the work we did here.
A vintage photo of Mary’s from the sixties inspired the revitalized swagger we recaptured for this fun-loving brand, complete with a Mary icon that harkens to the era of Burger Kings and Colonels ruled restaurant advertising. The glasses and the slight grin combined for the perfect “flavor” we wanted Mary to be known for.
Mary’s personality had lost its sizzle over time, but its comeback has arrived. We hope it takes you back to a simple, joyous dining time, but no promises you’ll be able to finish one of Mary’s Giant Meatballs. For that big boy, you’re on your own.
Check out the new Mary’s Pizza Shack website here and keep an eye out for more fun work to come.